S1125-KIT-8 – Chemical and Heat-Resistant Adhesive Kit

Are you able to provide a certificate of conformance COC along with the S1125-Kit-8? Yes we are able to provide a certificate of conformance along with the products when they are delivered – BUT this has to be requested.

Why is the FIPSYSTEMS Innovative?

With FIPSYSTEMS, FRÄNKISCHE Industrial Pipes has developed a new, innovative product range, whose application will significantly simplify the world of industrial cable protection. True to the motto “We simplify your world”, FRÄNKISCHE Industrial Pipes and its FIPSYSTEMS product line provide solutions to various challenges in the field of industrial cable protection.

In addition to the standard products – FIPLOCK, FIPHEAT, FIPMOTION, FIPSPLIT, FIPJACK and FIPMETAL – FIPSPECIALS includes custom solutions for individual customer requirements.